Tag: Dinosaurs


The First Dinosaurs Might Be Hidden in Earth’s Least Accessible Locations : ScienceAlert

Historic fossils of the world's very first dinosaurs could also be buried in locations nearly unimaginable to analyze, in response to new analysis...

The Rise of The Dinosaurs Can Be Tracked in Their Fossilized Poop : ScienceAlert

Majestic. Thunderous. Highly effective. Their mighty tread and sonorous cries as soon as reverberated throughout our planet. And the rise of the dinosaurs...

Fossilised droppings inform the story of dinosaurs’ rise to energy

The contents of 200-million-year-old...

Gorgeous Fossil Reveals Fireflies Glowed When Dinosaurs Dominated Earth : ScienceAlert

Some of the stunning sights in the summertime twilight is the mild glow of fireflies lighting up the crepuscular gloom.These twinkling bugs are essentially...